Would you like to be able to watch a recorded program or video and move to a different room and continue watching the same program without having to have a second box in that room?
Do you tire of the unnecessary wiring and logistics of finding a home for your video equipment in a room?
If yes then multi–room video is the solution for you. It will reduce the need for multiplication of video sources as well as reduce clutter and wiring in each room.
The way it works:
Your video source devices are stored centrally, in a neat solution taking care of all wiring, and “piped” to your TV screens located at your choice. There is no need for expensive HDMI cables to be installed, video sources are sent around your home over inexpensive cat5e wiring at full 1080p HD video resolution. Second to this, storing your equipment in a suitable location out of kids reach will result in your system working every time as cables cannot be whimsically unplugged.
TVs can be mounted with flat to wall brackets, swing arm brackets, electrical “pop up and down” brackets as well as recessed to create an elegant finish to your room.