Forget radio tuning problems, forget not being able to find your CDs, record or iPod, forget working out whether the CD player and amp is plugged in, powered on and the correct input is selected, forget ugly wires trailing around rooms and making a mess in cabinets... all you want to do is press play and for music to fill your space.
Share a central library of music across an unlimited number of rooms throughout your home. Browse artists, and genres effortlessly grouping rooms together to play the same record. Link your system with internet radio, spotify, napster and a host of other online services and you’ll have all your musical needs covered be it sharing with friends and family or listening in your own space.
Set your system to wake you in the morning with your favourite radio station or playlist and start your day the way you want...
With a combination of in–wall, in–ceiling, bookshelf and invisible “plaster over” speakers to choose from you are a step away from great sounding music becoming a part of your everyday life.